A Job Un-finished

Hi all. It's been a while and a half. The two of us at EDHsilver have sadly come to the conclusion that this project has run its course for reasons that we will outline below. This has been a fun project that served a purpose for all involved and we plan to maintain the website for posterity for the forseeable future, so anyone who wishes to still refer back to it. We will continue running the Discord server too, although we will not be…

Video: How to Use Jumpstart Historic Horizons in Paper Magic

Hi all You may have heard about the new card set exclusive to the Magic Arena videogame, Jumpstart: Historic Horizons. Like the original Jumpstart if offers a simpler limited experience where themed packets are put together into decks and played. Now fully spoiled, it brings a range of cards from existing sets like Modern Horizons 1 and 2 to the Historic format. The whole list can be found here. However, this set also includes digital-exclusive cards with new mechanics. These were designed to only…

Arena Beginner Set cards added to UnOrthodox and Soulhunter Rakshasa Errata

Hi all On the 13th August 2020, an update was put forth for the Magic: The Gathering Arena video game. The main focus in the update was the release of Amonkhet Remastered. However, a set for beginner player constructed decks was also added - "the Arena Base Set: A new set of non-rotating cards that can be used in Arena's best-of-one standard formats." This set is referred to as the "Arena Beginner Set". It is a mixture of existing "reprinted" cards and a few…

Unglued 2: The Obligatory Sequel Cards Added to UnOrthodox

Hi all We've finally added cards from Unglued 2 to the UnOthodox supplement as card entries on the website.  You can view them here. For more information on this unusual set and how we've decided to handle it, read on. Strap in, this time we're diving into a Magic set that never made it to store shelves.   Unglued 2: The Obligatory Sequel, as its name implies, was made as a follow-up to the first silver-bordered un-set, Unglued. The set showed so much promise,…

Core 2021 Rules Update and General Goings-On

Hi all It's been a while. It was a wild ride from end of 2019 through to the first few months of 2020, but there hasn't been as much going on in silver-bordered Magic over the past few months. However, with Ikoria, and now Core Set 2021 and Jumpstart, there have been a few changes that filter over to UnCommander. I figured that it was high time to make another post to let you all know what we've been up to. Dogged Determination Magic…

Gleemax Unbanned

Hi all I'm happy to say that we've decided to unban Gleemax, a card originally printed in the Unhinged expansion. It is now legal, but comes with "use with caution"; its traffic light rating is amber.   Gleemax is a pretty strong effect once you get it on the battlefield, mitigating most spot removal and crippling any strategy that relies on targeted effects. Because of this it's also quite hard to remove. with a converted mana cost of 1000000, to use it you need…

Video: Mystery Booster Test Card Commanders EDH

Hi All The Youtuber DementedKirby has hosted another EDH game featuring nonstandard commanders. Only this time, it's legendary creatures from the Mystery Booster playtest cards in the spotlight! The Mystery Booster playtest cards are a collection of cards showcasing interesting ideas that didn't make it to normal Magic as well as off-the wall concepts that were not designed for normal printing. The legendary creatures from the playtest cards live up to this description, including unusual templating and insane multiple tribal synergies. We picked four…

Video: Heroes of the Realm 2018 EDH

Hi All Shadalan and I recently took part in a Commander game hosted by the Youtuber DementedKirby that features the Commanders from the 2018 Heroes of the Realm cards. You can check out the video he made on the game here: Note that this game isn't an UnCommander game, the only unusual cards it uses are from Heroes of the Realm. The Heroes of the Realm cards were great fun to play with, each of them provides something new that no existing commanders do.…

Officially printed Commemorative cards moved from the UnOrthodox supplement to UnCommander
A gold dragon on a pile of teasure rears up and breathes fire as a beholderapproaches.

Officially printed Commemorative cards moved from the UnOrthodox supplement to UnCommander

Hi all We've made the decision to move commemorative cards that have official printings from the UnOrthodox supplement to UnCommander proper. There have been a number of Magic commemorative cards printed, namely the Heroes of the Realm cards that were created as awards for teams within Wizards of the Coast. The other officially printed commemorative cards are 1996 World Champion and Shichifukujin Dragon. These two share the world record for the rarest trading card, only 1 of each exists. To be included in UnCommander,…

Unsanctioned Cards Added

Hi all The new cards from the Unsanctioned un-set have been added to EDHSilver.com and have been given UnCommander card entries. You can see them here. These cards include a number of new shiny toys to use in UnCommander, such as new dual color commanders and additional host and augment cards. If you're interested in further information on Unsanctioned, check out the other post we made on it. In addition to 16 new cards, Unsanctioned includes many reprints of silver-bordered cards from previous un-sets.…

New Banlist Page Layout

Hi all We're pleased to announce that we've finally updated the layout of our banlist for UnCommander! The change is long due, the original layout was bare-bones, and provided very little explanation about the banning methodology. Hopefully this new form makes the philosophy behind the banned cards clearer. However, as always, if there is something that doesn't make sense or warrants further explanation, ask us via email on info@edhsilver.com or on our Discord server. The new cards from the new UnSanctioned Un-set are currently…

Video: Silver-Bordered Cards in EDH

Hi all The Youtuber DementedKirby has released a video on The Commander Tavern, tackling one of the more contentious questions in the Commander community, how to play silver-bordered cards in Commander. As this topic is right up our alley, he's invited us over to discuss UnCommander and silver-bordered cards in general. You can watch the video here: If the video raises any questions you'd like us to answer, head on down to the EDH Silver Discord server and fire away. We'll do our best…

The Upcoming Unsanctioned Un-set

Hi all By now you many of you have probably heard about the upcoming silver-bordered set Unsanctioned, first announced back in October last year. It is scheduled to release on February 29th 2020, the leap year day. This close to the release date, there's a fair bit of information on the set out there to peruse. At this point, the cards in Unsanctioned can all be seen on the Magic website here. The website Scryfall have also added the Unsanctioned cards to their card…

2018 Heroes of the Realm Cards and Luc Mertens Added

Hi everyone. I've added some commemorative cards to EDHsilver.com that have been around for a while now. The 2018 Heroes of The Realm cards have been given UnCommander card entries. You can see them here. Although awarded in 2018, these cards were released in 2019. Heroes of the Realm cards are released annually to celebrate the work of particular teams within Wizards of the Coast, such as the D&D team, the Duel Masters team or the Magic: The Gathering Online team. These cards are…

Mystery Booster Playtest Cards Added

Hi all. It's been quite a while, but I'm pleased to announce that the Playtest cards from Mystery Booster have been added as UnCommander card entries on EDHSilver.com. You can see them here. Mystery Booster is a set designed for chaos draft, that features cards from throughout Magic's history. It also included 'playtest cards', cards presented in the style of the playtest cards used by Wizards of the Coast to help design new sets. These feature interesting cards, from concepts that never quite saw…

Happy Holidays Card 2019: A Knight to Remember

December is drawing near, the Gilded Geese are getting fat, and decorations are starting to appear in shop windows. We all know what this means: WotC is releasing another Happy Holidays promo card. Image Source: Wizards of the Coast This year's contender is bringing the winds of change, swapping out your entire current library for a new deck of your choice! While these sorts of effects are not normally allowed in UnCommander because of the Commander rules, if you agree to allow his effect…

What’s in these Mysterious Boosters?

I've been out of the Magic loop for the past couple of weeks. As a result, It's no wonder that I've missed a revelation of players who attended the Mystery Booster World Premiere this Thursday (2019-11-07) at MagicFest Richmond. Image source: Wizards of the Coast Mystery Booster is a set designed for limited play, Chaos Draft and Sealed in particular. Mystery and going in blind are part of its appeal. According to Mark Rosewater, packs of Mystery Booster will also be for sale in…

A night of Bonfires and Explosions

'Tis Bonfire Night, November the 5th, time for building bonfires, charring potatoes in foil, and watching things explode in the sky. All to remember a time when the British seat of government was nearly blown up. In the spirit of explosions, I thought I'd feature the Red/Green faction from the Unstable expansion, the Goblin Explosioneers! These ever-busy critters wear their heart on their sleeve. They love rolling loads of dice, building loads of contraptions, and, in the true spirit of Red, blowing lots of…

Discord Server Online

We're pleased to announce that the EDH Silver Discord server is now open! If you'd like to give feedback on UnCommander and talk to other players, head on down using this invite link: https://discord.gg/AG8jE7g. We've decided on using Discord as a community platform for this site. It's a popular service for online communities, and allows users to voice chat as well as functioning as a chatroom with multiple text channels. We plan to consult the channel periodically about issues in UnCommander, so be sure…