• Post category:News / Trivia

Hi all

The Youtuber DementedKirby has released a video on The Commander Tavern, tackling one of the more contentious questions in the Commander community, how to play silver-bordered cards in Commander. As this topic is right up our alley, he’s invited us over to discuss UnCommander and silver-bordered cards in general. You can watch the video here:

If the video raises any questions you’d like us to answer, head on down to the EDH Silver Discord server and fire away. We’ll do our best to answer queries, and any other thoughts you’ve got on silver-bordered cards in Commander. We talk about a number of things in the video, but in honesty we could go on all day if left unchecked.

February 29th, leap year day sees the release of Unsanctioned, a new silver-bordered Un-set. We’re in the process of working through the new cards, and will post their entries up on edhsilver.com when we’re done. Until such a time, fare thee well, and may your brews be ever spicy.
