A night of Bonfires and Explosions

'Tis Bonfire Night, November the 5th, time for building bonfires, charring potatoes in foil, and watching things explode in the sky. All to remember a time when the British seat of government was nearly blown up. In the spirit of explosions, I thought I'd feature the Red/Green faction from the Unstable expansion, the Goblin Explosioneers! These ever-busy critters wear their heart on their sleeve. They love rolling loads of dice, building loads of contraptions, and, in the true spirit of Red, blowing lots of…

Gleemax Unbanned

Hi all I'm happy to say that we've decided to unban Gleemax, a card originally printed in the Unhinged expansion. It is now legal, but comes with "use with caution"; its traffic light rating is amber.   Gleemax is a pretty strong effect once you get it on the battlefield, mitigating most spot removal and crippling any strategy that relies on targeted effects. Because of this it's also quite hard to remove. with a converted mana cost of 1000000, to use it you need…

Unglued 2: The Obligatory Sequel Cards Added to UnOrthodox

Hi all We've finally added cards from Unglued 2 to the UnOthodox supplement as card entries on the website.  You can view them here. For more information on this unusual set and how we've decided to handle it, read on. Strap in, this time we're diving into a Magic set that never made it to store shelves.   Unglued 2: The Obligatory Sequel, as its name implies, was made as a follow-up to the first silver-bordered un-set, Unglued. The set showed so much promise,…

Video: Heroes of the Realm 2018 EDH

Hi All Shadalan and I recently took part in a Commander game hosted by the Youtuber DementedKirby that features the Commanders from the 2018 Heroes of the Realm cards. You can check out the video he made on the game here: Note that this game isn't an UnCommander game, the only unusual cards it uses are from Heroes of the Realm. The Heroes of the Realm cards were great fun to play with, each of them provides something new that no existing commanders do.…

Video: Mystery Booster Test Card Commanders EDH

Hi All The Youtuber DementedKirby has hosted another EDH game featuring nonstandard commanders. Only this time, it's legendary creatures from the Mystery Booster playtest cards in the spotlight! The Mystery Booster playtest cards are a collection of cards showcasing interesting ideas that didn't make it to normal Magic as well as off-the wall concepts that were not designed for normal printing. The legendary creatures from the playtest cards live up to this description, including unusual templating and insane multiple tribal synergies. We picked four…

Video: Silver-Bordered Cards in EDH

Hi all The Youtuber DementedKirby has released a video on The Commander Tavern, tackling one of the more contentious questions in the Commander community, how to play silver-bordered cards in Commander. As this topic is right up our alley, he's invited us over to discuss UnCommander and silver-bordered cards in general. You can watch the video here: If the video raises any questions you'd like us to answer, head on down to the EDH Silver Discord server and fire away. We'll do our best…