• Post category:News

Hi all

You may have heard about the new card set exclusive to the Magic Arena videogame, Jumpstart: Historic Horizons. Like the original Jumpstart if offers a simpler limited experience where themed packets are put together into decks and played. Now fully spoiled, it brings a range of cards from existing sets like Modern Horizons 1 and 2 to the Historic format. The whole list can be found here.

However, this set also includes digital-exclusive cards with new mechanics. These were designed to only work in digital space, but with a little creativity, most aspects can be recreated in paper Magic. The Youtuber DementedKirby has made a primer on how you can use these Arena-exclusives in Commander and other formats. You can watch it here:

On the set’s release date, 12th August, we will be adding the new exclusive cards to the UnOrthodox supplement here on the website. We want to have a chance to look at the comprehensive rules changes before making the UnCommander card entries public. When fitting them  into UnCommander, our take on the cards may differ slightly to DementedKirby’s, but this video gives you a good idea of what to expect.

Until then, happy brewing with these nutty cards!
