UnOrthodox suppliment: Legal - use with caution
Card Name:
Xaxor’s Peculiar Golem
Mana Cost:
Converted Mana Cost:
Artifact Creature — Golem
Rules Text:
When Xaxor’s Peculiar Golem enters the battlefield, you may sacrifice any number of creatures. Xaxor’s Peculiar Golem gains up to three abilities of your choice in the rules texts of those sacrificed creatures. (This effect lasts indefinitely.)
Whenever Xaxor’s Peculiar Golem deals damages to or is dealt damage by another creature, it gains one of that creature’s abilities of your choice. (This effect lasts indefinitely.)Power / Toughness:
Color Identity:
Border Type:
This printing Illustrated by Ed Beard Jr.
Printing: InQuest Legends – InQuest #44
UnCommander Rulings
Note that if Xaxor’s Peculiar Golem leaves the battlefield, it is treated as a new object. If it returns to the battlefield, it will not have any of the abilities it gained before.
Xaxor’s Peculiar Golem
Artifact Creature
Sacrifice any number of creatures when Xaxor’s Peculiar Golem comes into play. Xaxor’s Peculiar Golem gains up to three special abilities possessed by the sacrificed creatures.
Whenever Xaxor’s Peculiar Golem damages or is damaged by another creature, it permenantly gains on of that creature’s abilities after damage is resolved.
Illus. Ed Beard Jr. Magic: The Gathering © 1998 Wizards of the Coast, Inc.